Nathan Cregut

Programmer | Game Designer

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Current student studying Computer Game Design and Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics and The Center of Excellence in Computer Information Systems at Dakota State University. I am in my third year with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and expecting to graduate in May of 2019. Within the last two years I have worked as the lead programmer as well as the project manager for various classes, working on game projects and coding projects. Currently I work as a tutor for Computer Science and Math classes at DSU.


I worked as the main programmer and the project manager for this project. We used the GameMaker game engine using the gml language to make this game.

This is a project I made for the Ludum Dare 34 in 48 hours by myself in the GameMaker game engine using gml.

The music in this project is not my creation.

Crazy Aztaxi | Global Game Jam Project

During the Global Game Jam 2016 I was one of three programmers that, along with three other members, helped put this game together in 72 hours.



Resume available to download.